“DAF Kilit is not in the lock business we are in the trust business.”
The basis of DAF Kilit, which establishes its principles, is trust. Safety is a so comprehensive concept. It is a kind of a “Sine qua non” (The most essential) for many important concepts to gain meaning. In this framework, we put the “Safety” against the concept of “Freedom” in determining our strategy for coming years of brand positioning and marketing.
We say: You get free if you are safe.
The DAF Kilit is a firm which is aware of the service responsibility it undertakes. This awareness is not a part of its mission but it is the totality that surrounds it. Thus, the DAF Kilit has become the sole company offering 7 years of guarantee to its products. DAF Kilit, is not making the trade of “locks” but is making the trade of “trust”. This is a very important difference.
Investment on technology, protection of the intellectual rights, removing the obstacles in front of the investment, training the personnel and the innovation of research and development (R&D) all the time, constitute the touchstones of the vision of DAF Kilit.
Future shall be the ones who invest on safety.
DAF Kilit considers safety as a life instrument; we form and develop it constantly.
Today we say: You get free if you are safe.